We offer our clients comprehensive service packages in the following areas:

which are developed according to the latest  guidelines of the federal government and the respective states.

Our engineers specialize in structural engineering, road construction, hydraulic engineering-, as well as environmental and landscape planning, provide services for outdoor facilities, engineering structures, transportation systems, water bodies, and raw material extraction sites. We handle projects of all sizes, both cross-border and across industries. Our experienced professionals provide consultation and planning, develop concepts of various kinds in collaboration with municipalities and authorities, and successfully implement them, even in complex scenarios. 

From initial consultation through all stages of the application and approval processes up to the implementation and commissioning of your project, we will support you every step of the way. Additionally, upon request, we collaborate with other partners, such as analytical experts or required specialist planners and consultants and include them in our contract offers. Furthermore, we integrate existing planning components into your projects.

Since 2020, we no longer provide surveying services. However, we are happy to facilitate connections with specialized companies and coordinate project realization on your behalf.